talisman of dawn (full version) is FINALLY OUT

yes i know......... i promised i would release it in january........ then i said i was going to release it in february........... and here we are, in march. i want to thank everyone who was so patient with me all this time, and stayed hyped for the full version of tod. i'm really glad for each one of you.

this is not the final version of the game -- when you download it, you'll notice that there's an 'extras' button that doesnt work. well its because i had no time to implement it (i wanted to finish this for amare festival....... and somehow i did......... are you proud of me.........) either way, the story itself and the general features are complete. you can play it as many times as you want and you'll have a satisfying experience (some legends says that the final scene changes if you play the game twice... oops... who said that...)

this game was a journey. i'm proud of it, even if rn i'm exhausted and i dont want to see none of the character's assets for a gooooooood while. but it's the type of game that when i'll see it again, fully rested, i'll think "godDAMN.... bethesda could never..."... which already makes me kind of happy. i dont know. i'm just rambling.

i want to thank my friends and the people who i worked in this project. yall have no idea how strange and nice it is to know that people think your stuff is cool enough to work with. yall are so damn cool. i love you.

i hope you enjoy the game. i laughed a lot while writing it, i giggled a lot while drawing it, i had a breakdown while doing the backgrounds because im too much of a dumbass. but hey the game looks good, sounds good, and it has soul. to me thats whats most important in anything. a soul.


go play it, damn, i'll do a proper devlog later


talisman-of-dawn-2.0-pc.zip 130 MB
10 days ago
talisman-of-dawn-2.0-mac.zip 125 MB
10 days ago

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